March 2025 Facebook | Web site | InstagramJoin Me for a Special 2-Day Crochet Retreat!Thank you so much for helping me decide on the first of what I hope to be many...
Thank you, my wonderful pattern tester, for this bag!
I love your yellow one better than my original one in Lina. It looks sturdy durable and yet gorgeous.
I saw and interesting shaped bag that was knitted...
I missed the opportunity to wish you all a wonderful holiday season before it actually happened so now it is time for me to redeem myself by offering you a gift bundle of amazing crochet...
After seeing a couple of crocheted flower books being promoted on the web I realised that there are probably many of you who don’t know that I dedicated myself to crocheting botanically correct flowers 20...
While tiding up my office I found and old Craft magazine. I was drawn to it because of the bold colours and the flowers on the cover and then I got the giggles. That wasn't all that...
My Faithful Companion project bag, the simple Dilly Bag, is no more so I am remaking her in some of the same yarns but this time I'm adding Noro Kureyon. She was made in...
I'm just not sure if anyone actually reads what I write so this is a test. I have renamed the Paris Miss top, as suggested thank you, to the Hugs and Kisses shrug. If...
I designed this halter top in 1981. 41 years ago. I know because it was my first year of teaching high school in Moree, NSW. Some other dates in my life are not so easy...